Dick Pohlmann didn’t mute his mic on the zoom call with Jimmy… gotta love the UN tech🤣
September 28, 2023 at 9:33 amLog in to Reply
It was GREAT to see Jimmy at the UN though I fear that it feel on “deaf ears”. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are going to “mysteriously” disappear him! Someone PLEASE keep tabs on Jimmy while he is touring! Anyway, I will bet ANY of you ANY amount of money that Biden breaks both strikes. He does NOT care about poor people. Just like I told my father who actually believes that Fox News is telling him the truth and they “aren’t” MSM, the union leaders are in bed with the same people who are screwing the workers! So, I can guaran damn tee you that it’s only a matter of time till Biden will make all the “slaves” get back to work!!!!!! Jimmy was correct about these union leaders.
I wasn’t really into politics when 9/11 happen but I actually used to watch Cucklinski when he wasn’t a shill for the establishment and now has become the establishment, when he said that the hijackers came from Saudi NOT Iraq or Afghanistan! If fact NONE of the hijackers are from ANY country we are currently “at war with”! Most came from Saudi, a few from Lebanon and Egypt!!!!!!!! And because of Obama the families who lost their loved ones when those towers fell passed a bull shit law that said those families couldn’t sue the Saudi government for their ROLE in attacking us on 9/11! I just remember watching a video on YouTube when Jesse Ventura pissed off a Fox News host so much so he walked off the set because Jesse was telling the truth and asking real questions about 9/11 and why should we go to war when it was probably an inside job and IT WAS!
Faucci is a criminal but they don’t put rich criminals in Jail unless they screwed other rich people! Mendez is a PRIME example! They won’t stick him in jail because ALL politicians have taken brides!!!! That’s what they do and that’s why poor people are suffering while the rich are giving OUR money to Nazi’s! As I said in the chat Canada as much as the American governments LOVE Nazis! They are just “pretending” that this was a “mistake”! They knew who this guy was and think it do you honestly think that Christians give a fuck about Jews????? FUCK NO! They knew EXACTLY what they were doing and gave a HUGE middle finger to ALL Jews everywhere! I think this is a sign that they are trying to take the last of the 1st amendment away from us NON Christians….You never know….look at what happened when Roe vs Wade was still legal. They made the “excuse” of their sky daddy doesn’t like abortion but if they actually read their fucking bible their “god” is pro choice and performed his OWN abortions on the Sumerians! My point is they regulated that to death before they over turned it. So, even if it’s a law they don’t like which is the ENTIRE Constitution, they are going to relate it until they can over turn it and we will have to bow to the RICH. This is RICH VS POOR and always has been people! We need to wake up! These rich fuckers want us to be slaves and want our children to be sex slaves to rich pedos. Oh and the next person who says that America is “celebrating abortion” is getting stabbed in the eye! We are “celebrating” rich pedos you morons! Yeah, we celebrated abortion so much that we made Roe vs Wade illegal and now only RICH sluts who “pretend” to be pro abstinence get their abortion just fine but they did this because they didn’t want poor people breeding…again more poor slaves that they can brain wash. So, you as a poor woman can’t get an abortion BUT a RICH cunt who fucks anything that moves will get hers. I REFUSE to bow down to a god I don’t believe in as I’m wiccan! Throw me in jail for standing up for myself and my religion! Oh and your Jebuss was a male witch FACT!
Anyway, is anyone surprised by the shit that’s still happening! What we need to do is assemble but even that is becoming illegal! Now if you protest they call you a terrorist and put you in jail and thanks to Obama we can be held indefinitely with NO trial or way of EVER getting out of jail. We need a revolution because this is only getting WORSE!
I don’t miss a show , but when jimmy was on w Russell, he was on fire and I’m so glad. But we have been talking about it enough now. We honestly have to talk about WTH we are going to do. It’s all by design and always has been. I said it the other day put me on the front lines- I don’t care- I would rather die than be living in this soulless society. I at least had some idea of what was like before, but it was just not obvious. If people are not aware of what is happening then I don’t know what else you can do. Sheep will be sheep. I just don’t hear any ideas of what to do. And because we are all running like hamsters on a wheel, why? So we can watch this shit show and do it again? I wish someone would liberate us! I’m tired of being in crisis all the time and the mental health of this country is not getting better. I was 18 when OxyContin came out, I was 36 when I got clean- now 10 years later I’ve tried to make the best of my life and try to make the world a better place within my ability and I’m really angry that this is the state of the world. And it’s our country we have to thank and ourselves for allowing it. I highly recommend AMERICAS UNTOLD STORIES if you haven’t watched the channel yet. I love it but it’s heartbreaking to realize how we have been lied to about everything for way over a century. I wish I knew what I can do. I’m really upset that I was so quick to believe 9/11. I was fine with what looked like crazy people in the desert that flew planes into my city. It was shocking. I wasn’t thinking. I was in shock and so sad.
But I suppose that is how a magic bullet would go over fine and thy are all lone gunmen. It is disgraceful and I have never been more disappointed in my country.
fauci worked for cia and others as bioweapons expert thats why he was undocumented when he went to cia hq. lol remember his other job other then nih was bioweapons
germany’s deal with russia was to buy it cheap and they could sell extra for profit … US before that shit said they needed min of 4years to build out system to supply germany with lng and then that happened to keep germany in need. US sold to them for 4x the price and made germany kiss their neighbor’s ass for previous war stuff and were supposed to pay them what was owed. screwing germany even more lol.
Anyone know who Kurt was talking about when he said someone was jogging when a CIA agent clued them into what was going on?
Au contraire Qurpe, it was the richest fart in history right into our faces.
Dick Pohlmann didn’t mute his mic on the zoom call with Jimmy… gotta love the UN tech🤣
It was GREAT to see Jimmy at the UN though I fear that it feel on “deaf ears”. I wouldn’t be surprised if they are going to “mysteriously” disappear him! Someone PLEASE keep tabs on Jimmy while he is touring! Anyway, I will bet ANY of you ANY amount of money that Biden breaks both strikes. He does NOT care about poor people. Just like I told my father who actually believes that Fox News is telling him the truth and they “aren’t” MSM, the union leaders are in bed with the same people who are screwing the workers! So, I can guaran damn tee you that it’s only a matter of time till Biden will make all the “slaves” get back to work!!!!!! Jimmy was correct about these union leaders.
I wasn’t really into politics when 9/11 happen but I actually used to watch Cucklinski when he wasn’t a shill for the establishment and now has become the establishment, when he said that the hijackers came from Saudi NOT Iraq or Afghanistan! If fact NONE of the hijackers are from ANY country we are currently “at war with”! Most came from Saudi, a few from Lebanon and Egypt!!!!!!!! And because of Obama the families who lost their loved ones when those towers fell passed a bull shit law that said those families couldn’t sue the Saudi government for their ROLE in attacking us on 9/11! I just remember watching a video on YouTube when Jesse Ventura pissed off a Fox News host so much so he walked off the set because Jesse was telling the truth and asking real questions about 9/11 and why should we go to war when it was probably an inside job and IT WAS!
Faucci is a criminal but they don’t put rich criminals in Jail unless they screwed other rich people! Mendez is a PRIME example! They won’t stick him in jail because ALL politicians have taken brides!!!! That’s what they do and that’s why poor people are suffering while the rich are giving OUR money to Nazi’s! As I said in the chat Canada as much as the American governments LOVE Nazis! They are just “pretending” that this was a “mistake”! They knew who this guy was and think it do you honestly think that Christians give a fuck about Jews????? FUCK NO! They knew EXACTLY what they were doing and gave a HUGE middle finger to ALL Jews everywhere! I think this is a sign that they are trying to take the last of the 1st amendment away from us NON Christians….You never know….look at what happened when Roe vs Wade was still legal. They made the “excuse” of their sky daddy doesn’t like abortion but if they actually read their fucking bible their “god” is pro choice and performed his OWN abortions on the Sumerians! My point is they regulated that to death before they over turned it. So, even if it’s a law they don’t like which is the ENTIRE Constitution, they are going to relate it until they can over turn it and we will have to bow to the RICH. This is RICH VS POOR and always has been people! We need to wake up! These rich fuckers want us to be slaves and want our children to be sex slaves to rich pedos. Oh and the next person who says that America is “celebrating abortion” is getting stabbed in the eye! We are “celebrating” rich pedos you morons! Yeah, we celebrated abortion so much that we made Roe vs Wade illegal and now only RICH sluts who “pretend” to be pro abstinence get their abortion just fine but they did this because they didn’t want poor people breeding…again more poor slaves that they can brain wash. So, you as a poor woman can’t get an abortion BUT a RICH cunt who fucks anything that moves will get hers. I REFUSE to bow down to a god I don’t believe in as I’m wiccan! Throw me in jail for standing up for myself and my religion! Oh and your Jebuss was a male witch FACT!
Anyway, is anyone surprised by the shit that’s still happening! What we need to do is assemble but even that is becoming illegal! Now if you protest they call you a terrorist and put you in jail and thanks to Obama we can be held indefinitely with NO trial or way of EVER getting out of jail. We need a revolution because this is only getting WORSE!
I don’t miss a show , but when jimmy was on w Russell, he was on fire and I’m so glad. But we have been talking about it enough now. We honestly have to talk about WTH we are going to do. It’s all by design and always has been. I said it the other day put me on the front lines- I don’t care- I would rather die than be living in this soulless society. I at least had some idea of what was like before, but it was just not obvious. If people are not aware of what is happening then I don’t know what else you can do. Sheep will be sheep. I just don’t hear any ideas of what to do. And because we are all running like hamsters on a wheel, why? So we can watch this shit show and do it again? I wish someone would liberate us! I’m tired of being in crisis all the time and the mental health of this country is not getting better. I was 18 when OxyContin came out, I was 36 when I got clean- now 10 years later I’ve tried to make the best of my life and try to make the world a better place within my ability and I’m really angry that this is the state of the world. And it’s our country we have to thank and ourselves for allowing it. I highly recommend AMERICAS UNTOLD STORIES if you haven’t watched the channel yet. I love it but it’s heartbreaking to realize how we have been lied to about everything for way over a century. I wish I knew what I can do. I’m really upset that I was so quick to believe 9/11. I was fine with what looked like crazy people in the desert that flew planes into my city. It was shocking. I wasn’t thinking. I was in shock and so sad.
But I suppose that is how a magic bullet would go over fine and thy are all lone gunmen. It is disgraceful and I have never been more disappointed in my country.
didnt americans let saudi’s chop off that american journalist’s head??
fauci worked for cia and others as bioweapons expert thats why he was undocumented when he went to cia hq. lol remember his other job other then nih was bioweapons
germany’s deal with russia was to buy it cheap and they could sell extra for profit … US before that shit said they needed min of 4years to build out system to supply germany with lng and then that happened to keep germany in need. US sold to them for 4x the price and made germany kiss their neighbor’s ass for previous war stuff and were supposed to pay them what was owed. screwing germany even more lol.