April 7, 2024 at 11:07 pmLog in to Reply
usa is coordinating nato exercise with 90,000 troops on russias border as ‘exercises’ while macron and company conditions people, along with uk, sweden etc advertising to their own people the impending need for conscription to go to war with russia (happening since december)… all to go to war with russia
the funny part is where russia had under something like 200k active army in 2022, they now have about 1.15 million active with 600k active and the rest training and more in reserve and recruitment offices being swarmed with people wanting to join to fight for russia
so go ahead nato you stupid fucks, bring your 90,000 and your f16s and f35s
usa will be the first to use nukes, like cowards. american military is cowardly and weak. they are celebrated for multiple genocides. you feel you won ww2 when russia won it, you were busy murdering 10s of thousands of japanese in response to their very clever and cleanly executed, albeit stupid, strike on pearl harbor… while russia lost 27 million to defeat germany. america and uk just bombed dresden and other german civilians while russia took care of the nazi’s.
April 7, 2024 at 10:33 pmLog in to Reply
mcdonalds jacked prices in canada with no minimum wage increases so i dont go there anymore. double quarter pounder meal went from 13bucks to 19, that’s 5-6 bucks which maybe translates to 25 cents usd. tim hortons was bought by the conglomerate that owns burger king and a dozen donuts are incomprehensibly expensive onw, it’s 6 bucks for 10 timbits… the result of american capitalism
weirdly, burger king burgers are cheaper in canada than in washington, even before the 40% exchange rate.
it was very weird because a few years ago fast food in usa was half the price of canada with bigger servings. I have trouble buying groceries when ground beef is nearly 20 dollars a pound, sour cream is 8 bucks for 750ml, eggs are 8 bucks a dozen, bologna is 11 dollars a pack, juice is 13 bucks a bottle and so on… fast food seems competitively priced as long as i only eat once a day.
more power to the workers getting something out of all the price gouging
April 7, 2024 at 9:20 pmLog in to Reply
loved this show, the new york perspectives were interesting for me and general comraderie was really fun. clearing bidens drool cup lol, amazing but sage makes a good point, it is inhuman, but fuck him, what he did to americans for 40yrs was inhuman, that’s karma mafucka!
Scotlands law is pretty tame, canada its life in prison for anything the government doesnt like and there are no qualifications or limitations on what constitutes online harm, its very much a cut and paste of the uk digital rights farce where the government decides what is wrong and if you cross them you go to jail.
palestinians are a semetic people, yet its anti-semetic to call for a ceasefire. that will be illegal in canada. Canada is claiming its for child protection yet nothing in the bill protects children. contentious as it is desantis is doing SOMETHING child oriented, even if responsibility is rooted with the parents. canada claiming sweeping censorship and stalin level thought control protects children is crazy. ukraine is the worlds leading child porn producer for over 20 years, they are now the world leader in pregnancy surrogacy with many ukrainian women being trafficked to carry babies for foreigners, over 25% of the worlds surrogacy is in ukraine since Russia intervened to protect russian speaking ukrainians.
whitney webbs book one nation under blackmail is phenomenal and illustrates clearly how the western intelligence agencies collude including the formation of israel and control of media as well as the cia’s recruiting of reagan and so much more.
The gulag archipelago describes how under stalin if you simply called and said your neighbor said something against the ussr they were arrested usually at 4am and taken to the gulag. then if that neighbor said well fuckface who called you also said something bad, you were taken to the gulag as well. the general populace thought if htey kept head down it would all go away yet more than 15 million russians ended up in the gulag. if you fought in ww2 and were captured, gulag, you didnt die for your country.
events are repeating themselves because people are stupid.
thanks for a great show and the banter and usual quality discussion of the segments. I enjoy the jimmy dore plantation and due dissidence and scott horton and scott ritter because you all tell truth. I do my own research and reading and gravitate to you guys for your truth, perspectives, wider perspectives and so on. If quality people like you didnt exist I’d think there was no hope.
that said trump says full and unconditional support for israel so of the 3 candidates rfk is the only one with a hope of making any part of america salvageable. keep that in mind as you ride high horses. his stance on israel is fucked up but all of america is fucked up so how do you break the cycle? also dont worry, once he puts out the big fires and turns to gut the cia they will kill him and you will get your trump or biden whom you think are so much better than rfk.
if you cant give rfk jr credit for being tip top on every issue other than israel, where’s your nuance? if even one president candidate was like fuck israel, great, but they’re not, they’re all in. whitney webbs book lays a roadmap of why, fucked up as it is. its not that she has all the answers but it’s very very dark and sinister and vitally core to america.
read one nation under blackmail and i think it was carter started to derail things, i think it was carter, anyways one of the presidents started to derail the one world order plans the intelligence communities collude on and he was smeared and removed. jfk was obviously going to dismantle the cia etc so they killed him.
are you willing to work with the one candidate who will work to fix most of the problems or are you waiting for the perfect christ like savior candidate that doesnt exist? if you’re waiting for him, his name is trudeau, please take him, we’re fuckin sick of him and his wef scumbag freeland.
April 4, 2024 at 11:29 amLog in to Reply
“rising crime” is done by men who were paid off by rich people to give up more of our privacy….remember the subways!!!!! they don’t want people to walk around they want the streets cleared for the rich…wake up people these people are working for the rich to depopulate!
I assume the stories about women getting randomly punched in NYC are either lies or something that’s being astroturfed to make it seem like a bigger issue than it is. 5 women got punched in that city of over 5 million? So what? I bet just as many men if not more also got punched. They’re just not TikTok influencers who see that as a means to build their channel. The whole thing seems suspicious as hell to me. The women telling the stories look like they have duper’s delight and are enjoying the thought of getting away with the lie.
usa is coordinating nato exercise with 90,000 troops on russias border as ‘exercises’ while macron and company conditions people, along with uk, sweden etc advertising to their own people the impending need for conscription to go to war with russia (happening since december)… all to go to war with russia
the funny part is where russia had under something like 200k active army in 2022, they now have about 1.15 million active with 600k active and the rest training and more in reserve and recruitment offices being swarmed with people wanting to join to fight for russia
so go ahead nato you stupid fucks, bring your 90,000 and your f16s and f35s
usa will be the first to use nukes, like cowards. american military is cowardly and weak. they are celebrated for multiple genocides. you feel you won ww2 when russia won it, you were busy murdering 10s of thousands of japanese in response to their very clever and cleanly executed, albeit stupid, strike on pearl harbor… while russia lost 27 million to defeat germany. america and uk just bombed dresden and other german civilians while russia took care of the nazi’s.
mcdonalds jacked prices in canada with no minimum wage increases so i dont go there anymore. double quarter pounder meal went from 13bucks to 19, that’s 5-6 bucks which maybe translates to 25 cents usd. tim hortons was bought by the conglomerate that owns burger king and a dozen donuts are incomprehensibly expensive onw, it’s 6 bucks for 10 timbits… the result of american capitalism
weirdly, burger king burgers are cheaper in canada than in washington, even before the 40% exchange rate.
it was very weird because a few years ago fast food in usa was half the price of canada with bigger servings. I have trouble buying groceries when ground beef is nearly 20 dollars a pound, sour cream is 8 bucks for 750ml, eggs are 8 bucks a dozen, bologna is 11 dollars a pack, juice is 13 bucks a bottle and so on… fast food seems competitively priced as long as i only eat once a day.
more power to the workers getting something out of all the price gouging
loved this show, the new york perspectives were interesting for me and general comraderie was really fun. clearing bidens drool cup lol, amazing but sage makes a good point, it is inhuman, but fuck him, what he did to americans for 40yrs was inhuman, that’s karma mafucka!
Scotlands law is pretty tame, canada its life in prison for anything the government doesnt like and there are no qualifications or limitations on what constitutes online harm, its very much a cut and paste of the uk digital rights farce where the government decides what is wrong and if you cross them you go to jail.
palestinians are a semetic people, yet its anti-semetic to call for a ceasefire. that will be illegal in canada. Canada is claiming its for child protection yet nothing in the bill protects children. contentious as it is desantis is doing SOMETHING child oriented, even if responsibility is rooted with the parents. canada claiming sweeping censorship and stalin level thought control protects children is crazy. ukraine is the worlds leading child porn producer for over 20 years, they are now the world leader in pregnancy surrogacy with many ukrainian women being trafficked to carry babies for foreigners, over 25% of the worlds surrogacy is in ukraine since Russia intervened to protect russian speaking ukrainians.
whitney webbs book one nation under blackmail is phenomenal and illustrates clearly how the western intelligence agencies collude including the formation of israel and control of media as well as the cia’s recruiting of reagan and so much more.
The gulag archipelago describes how under stalin if you simply called and said your neighbor said something against the ussr they were arrested usually at 4am and taken to the gulag. then if that neighbor said well fuckface who called you also said something bad, you were taken to the gulag as well. the general populace thought if htey kept head down it would all go away yet more than 15 million russians ended up in the gulag. if you fought in ww2 and were captured, gulag, you didnt die for your country.
events are repeating themselves because people are stupid.
thanks for a great show and the banter and usual quality discussion of the segments. I enjoy the jimmy dore plantation and due dissidence and scott horton and scott ritter because you all tell truth. I do my own research and reading and gravitate to you guys for your truth, perspectives, wider perspectives and so on. If quality people like you didnt exist I’d think there was no hope.
that said trump says full and unconditional support for israel so of the 3 candidates rfk is the only one with a hope of making any part of america salvageable. keep that in mind as you ride high horses. his stance on israel is fucked up but all of america is fucked up so how do you break the cycle? also dont worry, once he puts out the big fires and turns to gut the cia they will kill him and you will get your trump or biden whom you think are so much better than rfk.
if you cant give rfk jr credit for being tip top on every issue other than israel, where’s your nuance? if even one president candidate was like fuck israel, great, but they’re not, they’re all in. whitney webbs book lays a roadmap of why, fucked up as it is. its not that she has all the answers but it’s very very dark and sinister and vitally core to america.
read one nation under blackmail and i think it was carter started to derail things, i think it was carter, anyways one of the presidents started to derail the one world order plans the intelligence communities collude on and he was smeared and removed. jfk was obviously going to dismantle the cia etc so they killed him.
are you willing to work with the one candidate who will work to fix most of the problems or are you waiting for the perfect christ like savior candidate that doesnt exist? if you’re waiting for him, his name is trudeau, please take him, we’re fuckin sick of him and his wef scumbag freeland.
Big fan of @DueDissidence
“rising crime” is done by men who were paid off by rich people to give up more of our privacy….remember the subways!!!!! they don’t want people to walk around they want the streets cleared for the rich…wake up people these people are working for the rich to depopulate!
I assume the stories about women getting randomly punched in NYC are either lies or something that’s being astroturfed to make it seem like a bigger issue than it is. 5 women got punched in that city of over 5 million? So what? I bet just as many men if not more also got punched. They’re just not TikTok influencers who see that as a means to build their channel. The whole thing seems suspicious as hell to me. The women telling the stories look like they have duper’s delight and are enjoying the thought of getting away with the lie.