Lunchmeat isn’t automatically carcinogenic. It’s the nitrates they use to cure it, you’re not meant to cook those. If you’re going to cook cold cuts, find nitrate-free ones.
June 1, 2023 at 5:38 pmLog in to Reply
Yeah Graham is now calling you a right winger and the Van sissies (guard) are calling you anti vax. Also, what can we do Jimmy other than watch as the WHO does what happened in China which was lock down the poor and let them starve to death and let the rich do what ever the hell they want! What can we do about this person who isn’t elected and will NOT opt out because they are paid to not opt out? Again it’s like watching someone kill us slowly and we get to watch our own deaths very very slowly.
June 1, 2023 at 3:54 pmLog in to Reply
Jimmy, Please come to Lancaster, PA! I would love to meet you and I will pay whatever I have to so that I can go backstage and talk or chat whichever and I would also love to meet Stef! You guys are so awesome and I love the show of course! Please Please Please come to Lancaster, PA! Please? LOL, I’m a simple woman who is a computer technician and would love to meet both of my idols you and Stef! And Max too! Can you dig it?
Jimmy, I think you got a nice lawsuit against the US Government over that kill list. You could make a good case that it’s hurting your business by scaring away potential customers from attending your shows for fear of becomming collateral damage in a terrorist attack. Maybe you should contact the Institute for Justice.
Jimmy if you go to the ACLU website and search for the “Constitution Free Zone” map you will find that this was the first thing Obama passed with the NDAA in 2008. EVERYONE within 100 miles of any US border is part of this zone which encompasses 2/3rds of the population, unbeknownst to almost all. Please check it out as the government acts as this is legal.
Lunchmeat isn’t automatically carcinogenic. It’s the nitrates they use to cure it, you’re not meant to cook those. If you’re going to cook cold cuts, find nitrate-free ones.
Yeah Graham is now calling you a right winger and the Van sissies (guard) are calling you anti vax. Also, what can we do Jimmy other than watch as the WHO does what happened in China which was lock down the poor and let them starve to death and let the rich do what ever the hell they want! What can we do about this person who isn’t elected and will NOT opt out because they are paid to not opt out? Again it’s like watching someone kill us slowly and we get to watch our own deaths very very slowly.
Jimmy, Please come to Lancaster, PA! I would love to meet you and I will pay whatever I have to so that I can go backstage and talk or chat whichever and I would also love to meet Stef! You guys are so awesome and I love the show of course! Please Please Please come to Lancaster, PA! Please? LOL, I’m a simple woman who is a computer technician and would love to meet both of my idols you and Stef! And Max too! Can you dig it?
Jimmy, I think you got a nice lawsuit against the US Government over that kill list. You could make a good case that it’s hurting your business by scaring away potential customers from attending your shows for fear of becomming collateral damage in a terrorist attack. Maybe you should contact the Institute for Justice.
Jimmy if you go to the ACLU website and search for the “Constitution Free Zone” map you will find that this was the first thing Obama passed with the NDAA in 2008. EVERYONE within 100 miles of any US border is part of this zone which encompasses 2/3rds of the population, unbeknownst to almost all. Please check it out as the government acts as this is legal.